It is a bit disappointing that FatShark made what seems like a great decision to give the players more tools, yet squandered the opportunity to use them for truly unique gameplay situations. Very few of them, however, require tactics that demand the use of your varied arsenal or even your bionic arm. There are also you standard soldiers, along with a few other robotic pests that try to make your life miserable. Your place for all the latest news, videos, fan content and in-game stats for Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 for Xbox. There’s the Roomba-looking robot that strolls around on platforms, and then there’s his cousin that kind of looks like him but has spikes and occasionally fires bullets at you. Will there be a hardcopy release of this game, or is it a download only one Thanks SeventhStory 14 years ago2. Less than halfway through the game, you’ve likely encountered them all. Part of the uselessness of some of these weapons comes down to the game’s enemies, of which there really aren’t that many. The game’s stock “pew pew pew” pistol served me well from beginning to end, with its unlimited ammo and rapid fire response time to my button presses. Mostly, you’ll find that you’ll need them simply to trigger things in the environment, and many times not even on mission critical paths. It’s nice to have these additional weapons in your arsenal, but you’re rarely forced to use them in combat. While these additions give the appearance of a more rounded, richer experience, that’s not entirely the case.

Also new for Rearmed 2 are a bunch of new weapons and upgrades, many of them passive abilities, like one that will slowly regain Nathan’s health.